Stone Cleaning Long Beach Tile Cleaning Long Beach

If you live in Long Beach, Orange County, California and need stone cleaning call Vaporlux Cleaning at (714) 330-0973 today. We clean Marble, Travertine, Granite, Slate, Limestone, Sandstone and Flagstone tiles as well as Porcelain and Ceramic tiles.

We Cleaned Hexagonal Mexican Pavers in Long Beach

Long Beach – Mexican Pavers Patio – Hexagon Tiles

This Mexican paver patio needed a great deal of restoration work! The entire patio had been neglected for many years. In additions, the previous owner had applied a brown stain which took away the color variation and character of the tiles.

Now the distinctive colors are prevalent, and the entire room has a totally different vibe!

Before 2
The white alkaline deposits pictured here are coming from two sources: one of them is sprinklers which were allowed to over-water and left constant puddles. The other is “efflorescence” which occurs when salts and minerals leach through the tiles from the ground underneath.

After 2
Now you can see all alkaline residue removed and the natural beauty of the floor comes out! Mexican paver tiles are very soft, very porous and can unfortunately have varied results after restoration. We are experts with these tiles which require a great deal of patience and diligence!

Mexican Paver Saltillo Restoration in Long Beach, LA County, CA

Here are before and after pictures that show the results of a Tile Cleaning job we did on Mexican Paver/Saltillo in Long Beach, LA County, CA.

The photo shows Hexagon Mexican Pavers Tiles after 20 years of use/abuse. It is a time consuming process, but we are experts at stripping off the existing sealer and grime!

The after photo shows a fully restored patio now ready for the next party (which we were invited to). The unique colors now come through in all their glory!

If you have a Mexican Paver/Saltillo  surface that needs Paver Restoration and Gloss, and if you live in Long Beach, LA County call Vaporlux Stone & Tile at today.

Kitchen Tile Test Clean in Long Beach, LA County, CA

Here is a picture that show the results of a Tile Test Clean job we did on a Ceramic Tile Kitchen in Long Beach, LA County, California.

We often will perform a “Test Clean” to show our customers what results they can expect. This ceramic tile kitchen floor had gone 42 years without a serious cleaning! The tile at center of photo shows our “Test Tile” surrounded by white grout.

If you have a Ceramic Tile Surface that needs Tile Restoration and Cleaning, and if you live in Long Beach, LA County call Vaporlux Stone & Tile at today.



Mexican Paver Restoration in Long Beach, LA County, CA

Here are before and after pictures that show the results of a Tile Cleaning job we did on Mexican Paver in Long Beach, LA County, CA.

The existing sealer has almost completely worn off this mexican paver patio. The white alkaline stains are due to hard water deposits that puddle, then dry on the surface.

Our Final results show a patio with a deep rich color and high gloss surface! Please note the Alkaline deposits were eliminated without any damage to the mexican paver (saltillo) tiles (which are notoriously soft).

The photos show the restored Mexican Pavers, as well as the vertical flagstone trim. This customer was blown away by the overall results! They also did not expect the color difference in the flagstone due to our use of a premium enhancer sealer.

If you have a Mexican Paver surface that needs Paver Restoration and Gloss, and if you live in Long Beach, LA County call Vaporlux Stone & Tile at today.

Brick Trim Cleaning in Long Beach, LA County

Here are before and after pictures that show the results of a Brick Cleaning  job we did on a brick trim in Long Beach, LA County, California.

This customer is paying for a major landscape upgrade, unfortunately the contractor failed to protect the brick before applying stucco to the wall. This After photo shows that we successfully detail cleaned the brick, as well as gave it a richer color and protection with a premium enhancer sealer!

If you have a Brick Trim that needs Brick Cleaning and live in Long Beach, LA County, California call Vaporlux Stone & Tile at today.